well i'm going to need multiple installments for this. i worry that sometimes in the chaos of the store it's hard to find all of the treasures. it doesn't help that i think i'm a pirate and feel separation anxiety every time someone else touches something i've developed feelings for. the purpose of this particular blog is to show you the handmade art that i have access to. i admit that i have "sharing issues" and sometimes look horror-stricken when you try to buy something. i am actually
delighted and the sourpuss face is a throw-back to the many years i spent keeping my possessions away from the grabby mitts of my beady-eyed little sisters. (whom i love very very much and appreciate blah blah blah.) moving right along........

let me introduce Floating Gold Iceberg. these lovely lasses are creating handmade clothing and accessories in victoria and i LOVE THEM!! i've got wristwarmers and a couple scarves left in house. i've ordered
pants and skirts and pillows and shirts and anything else i could think of while i was talking to sweet cara on the phone. they're a staple at frock and have been since i opened almost two years ago. they've been patient with me as i've built up my little business and they've made me feel like i matter. this is an incredible company who provides stunning, unique, cutting edge pieces and I'VE GOT 'EM!!! and they've stood by me even when bigger fish in town could've upped their bottom line. i think there's something to be said for that. FGI has beauty, brains, and one of the nicest bikes on the block. and they won't make fun of you if you ask them to prom.

and now to introduce Lovejules......
you know the incredible leather with birds on wires, gunslingers, planes, trains and automobiles that i hoard like cake? that's lovejules. pictures? let's try....

and here is an introduction from the sweet peach herself: "My studio is located in Whistler, B.C. I personally design and handcraft each piece in my collection, and though I may produce more than one of any particular design, no two are exactly alike, 'cause my hands just aren't that precise! I use nothing but the highest quality materials, as my output is only as good as my inputs, and I'm happy to say everything is sourced locally (Vancouver, B.C.)."

i'm sad to say i'm ending today's installment before i've even begun. getting these pictures up here in an orderly fashion is proving complex. i need a technological wizard. preferably one with a cape. stay tuned...........
Though the weather outside is frightful, my FGI wrist warmers (pictured above) are *deeeeelightful*, especially when I'm wearing my favourite 3/4-sleeved wool sweater. No nasty furtive winds sneaking up MY arms these days. Fantastic choice, Frock Mistress.