Sunday, October 24, 2010

"now that i'm older my heart is colder."

so i promised to share some photos of the brilliance that has taken up residence inside my shop. (none of it mine, but i have no problem with riding coat-tails. i'm also partial to tall shoulders and inside information. i'm a user. it's true.)

but first i digress......... (shocking!!) it was "breakout west" in town this weekend. i'm sure you're asking yourselves: since when does the cultural wasteland known as kelowna embrace independant music and showcase it in almost every mainstream downtown establishment? since now madames et monsieurs. apparently we're changing! kelowna has bought itself some patterned tights and an oversized 80's sweater and we're going to the party!! (WHAT?!?) if only we could go back in time and NOT dismantle sunshine theatre. (still irritated. can't help it.) anywho.....heard some new music and I LOVE IT!!

FROCK has been obsessing over the decemberists "the hazards of love" for some time now. i get obsessed and listen to things over and over again for days on end. (or weeks. whatever.) i now have new obsessions to rotate in. (dear maiya: can you handle the mixing of cd's that i'll love? as my pretend personal assistant you should be able to read my mind. get on it.)

right now the shop is playing my signed copy of dojo workhorse. (god i'm cool.) couldn't find any youtube clips, but three of the members are in the dudes. (whom i've known and liked for a while now.) i'll post a dudes clip in lieu of my new love. i'm also going to post the zolas. i've been slow jumping on the bandwagon but i've got a seat now and i've ordered a drink. first clip: the zolas, you better watch out.

clip 2: the dudes, love is dangerous

clip 3: we are the city, in heaven. (p.s. local and brilliant.)

i'm getting hungry so i'm going to have to sign out now. rest assured i will return for my "handmade accessories showcase." FROCK is giving these bands its stamp of serious approval. (pretty prestigious considering that i'm the self-proclaimed dictator of all things awesome.) there was even a generational consultation. read: pretty big deal.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kaela! Your store has helped make Kelowna a great place and I'm so happy you enjoyed BreakOut West!

    I'm pretty sure if a few theatre folks got together, a professional theatre company in town could become a reality again. Think about it. I would be so into it.

