Tuesday, May 25, 2010

and another beginning?

so i'm a girl with a short attention span who loves beginnings. i excel at first steps, first kisses, first words and first tries. i'm a perpetual optimist and i fling myself into all of these things like a fleshed-out frisbee. jack kerouac said "i run from one falling star to another 'til i drop." i get this. i rarely take the time to breathe, and i'm sure this is a gross oversight that will shave years off my life. (there's that optimism!)

this blog is a beginning of sorts. i've been recording minutiae on scraps of paper since i was old enough to write. i love stories. i begin them all the time. a year and a half ago i opened a business. perhaps if i attach this blog to that business i can build a story i'm proud of.

i own a dress shop. it seems like such a small, innocuous sentence, but really it's quite overwhelming. i've tied myself to something. i've invested in something. i'm believing in myself. i don't find that a particularly easy thing to do.

*sidenote*people often ask me about my "business plan," to which i reply: "oh yeah. i have one!!! biiiiiiiig plan for business!" (said business plan consists solely of a theatre arts degree that bellows from a box in the back of my closet: "lie like a rug, ya big faker!!)

i think in the absence of a plan, i'm ready to substitute something shiny and new. enter blog. my original idea was that i would focus on anything and everything pertaining to the store. after letting this percolate, it became slightly suffocating. my new idea is to write about anything and everything in general, and hope that my store reflects well in the meanderings of me. this is a conduit between myself and my business.

so i'm a girl who dislikes capital letters. i love eating blueberries when i can pick them right off the bush. i can be very bossy if i'm sitting in the back of a canoe. and i own a clothing store. life is strange.


  1. And now the world will follow you!! But yer not allowed in the back of the canoe!

  2. fabulous dahling....keep writing, your thoughts are most interesting! and i'm with ya on the capital letter thing!

  3. frig kaela you are great! I look forward to your posts...daily? Tamara
