chances are you've stumbled upon sweet maiya already, but this is your official introduction.
i can't pigeon-hole her: she's a hippie tomboy who can seriously rock a dress. she's a music festival junkie who will judge you silently if you question her song selections. she journals. she makes greeting cards. she'll kick your ass at volleyball.
if you run around the store like a psychopath (which i do often) she'll just stare at you and blink. i need a buffer in my life who's as laid-back
as a recliner. enter maiya.

some fast facts:
favourite book: "life after god" by douglas coupland.
favourite quote: "with our thoughts we make the world." (buddha.) this is tattooed on her arm.
mode of transportation: bicycle.
who she hates: whoever stole her bicycle last night.
why i love her: she's kind, honest, and has a soft spot for well-worded observations.
FROCK is better because maiya exists.

maddi is only with us for the summer, but she'd be a keeper if it were up to me. she's an 80's dancing queen who consistently rocks florals, onesies, and high-waisted shorts. she has an odd obsession with antique time-pieces, and will soon be selling some of her one-of-a-kind creations here in our store. apparently she's a gymnast. i didn't know this before today, but now that i do i'll be exploiting her talents every monday afternoon. feel free to stop by for a performance.
yesterday as she was tagging (sweatshop-style) she squealed from the back of the store: "OH MY GOD!!! this is 100% RAYON!!!!!!!" and then she bought it. 'nuff said.
some fast facts:
favourite books: harper lee's "to kill a mockingbird," and ernest hemingway's "a farewell to arms." ernest hemingway? really maddi? (no judgement.)
what she loves: snakes. like live snakes. and she likes to hold them.
don't ever buy her: dairy. she'll smile and say thank-you but she won't consume it.
why i love her: she's always happy. always. or she fakes it really, really well. either way, she's lovely to be around.
yay!! i'm pretty sure that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me :) xoxo